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Chronic low back pain – how it occurs, and how can aqua therapy help?

Updated: Mar 30, 2024

There is no doubt that chronic low back pain can be a very serious problem that makes the most basic physical activities extremely difficult. Aqua therapy is becoming an extremely popular way to handle this type of low back pain problem, and there are many extra benefits to the use of this type of therapy. We will go over the reasons why chronic low back pain occurs and how aqua therapy can help.

What causes chronic low back pain?

There are several causes for this kind of low back pain to occur. The most common reason is due to strains or sprains. These types of injury can lead to chronic low back pain, and aqua therapy proves to a great alternative to ease that pain.

Another reason why this type of chronic low back pain can manifest itself is due to Parkinson’s disease. Aqua therapy is very helpful in this case as it will keep providing comfort to the patient during the stages of the disease. Spinal Stenosis is also a cause of low back pain.

Other causes include arthritis, herniated discs, joint pain or direct trauma to the back. There may be other reasons, but the ones we have just mentioned are the most common. Just make sure that you get a proper diagnosis from your doctor.

What is Aqua Therapy?

The process of aqua therapy consists of treatments given to patients in a pool with salt water that heated to 32°C. This environment makes it easy for many exercises to perform, and it greatly improves flexibility. When these exercises performed in salted water, balance is no longer an issue to worry about.

The benefits of aqua therapy include:

  1. Significant relief when dealing with chronic low back pain

  2. Improved flexibility and coordination

  3. A significant decrease in joint pain all over the body

  4. More energy and a better overall mood

A relaxing experience

Keep in mind that this type of therapy is also very beneficial due to how it helps keep the patient in a good mood and feeling active. Any type of exercise is always going to be beneficial, but performing those exercises underwater is going to make it easier for people with chronic low back pain to get involved.

Aqua therapy has helped many individuals suffering from chronic pain.

While chronic low back pain is very common, it seems like many people who suffer from this kind of pain never find relief without using pharmaceuticals. The problem is that many of the pain killers prescribed for this type of pain are going to make the person feel sleepy and with a lack of energy all day long.

This is another important reason why aqua therapy has become such an important alternative. It helps people relieve chronic low back pain naturally and actively.

Final thoughts

Suffering from chronic low back pain can be very difficult to handle, but those who have tried aqua therapy are finding a whole new option that helps them handle this type of pain.

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