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Rehabilitation; types and application

Updated: Mar 30, 2024

What is rehabilitation? – Rehabilitation is the process of recovery and regaining the skills lost during injury, stroke, accident or any other condition. Rehab is a broad definition of any psychological or physical treatment targeting the restoration of an initially lost condition. People who need assistance for any type of temporary mental or physical disorder occurred after some distraction will seek some kind of rehabilitation therapy.

Who needs rehabilitation?

Those who need therapy assistance to return to a healthy life include but not limited to:

  1. Patients after major surgical intervention

  2. People who experienced a stroke

  3. Any type of chronic pain

  4. People experienced serious car accidents resulted in headaches, muscle strains and sprains, fractures, neck pain, back pain and any other injuries

  5. Those with sports injuries

  6. Those who suffered from side effects of medical treatment (especially cancer treatment)

  7. Mothers who gave birth recently

Types and location

Inpatient and outpatient are two types to classify rehabilitation by location. Inpatient rehab covers all the treatment you receive in the hospital before discharge. Outpatient rehabilitation can take place in specialized independent centers or at the patient’s home. Here at Hydroactive, we suggest a wide range of therapies including;

Physical therapy: aims to improve balance, stability, mobility and overall strength.

Occupational therapy addresses the process of movement in new conditions. Physiotherapy deals with impairment; occupational therapy deals with motion in action. Examples are teaching the patients to perform daily activities like dressing, cooking or using devices they need to perform those activities.

Usually, physical therapists and occupational therapists work hand in hand to help a patient.

Vestibular rehabilitation helps with symptoms like dizziness, trouble with balance, posture, vision, vertigo, frequent falls, headaches, and so on. Vestibular therapy is an individually designed exercise-based program.

Aqua therapy is perfect for any type of disorder accompanied with pain where other types of exercise are difficult to perform. For example, post-operation aqua therapy can prevent muscle atrophy, decrease pain, improve the mental and physical condition of the patient. Those with injuries can benefit from aqua therapy by building new neural pathways, regaining strength and emotional balance.

Stroke recovery programs: we suggest aqua therapy for stroke recovery as it is a more comfortable environment for patients to regain strength and improve physical motor skills.

Speech therapy helps with swallowing, reading, speaking, understanding skills.

Mental health assistance: people after car accidents or any other traumatic accident may experience post-traumatic stress, anxiety and other symptoms.

Final thoughts

In addition to specialized programs assisted by physiotherapists, patients should also perform exercises along at home. Along with specific session times, therapists will ask the patients to be active, eat healthily, exercise and think positively. In many cases, surgery, accident or stroke takes a short time to happen, but recovery and full rehabilitation may require a significantly extended period. Be patient and stay motivated.

In all cases, the earlier a person gets rehabilitation assistance, the better. It is easy to prevent the improvement of a condition rather than dealing with a distorted function. If you had major surgery, stroke or severe accident recently, contact your doctor or physical therapy practitioner to consult on what type of therapy could help you the most.

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