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Preventing and Reducing High Blood Pressure with Aquatic Therapy

Updated: Mar 30, 2024

As an individual gets older the blood pressure increases gradually and progressively as well. This, in turn, results in a high prevalence of high blood pressure among older individuals. The research shows that almost 3 out of 4 people over the age of 65 are affected by hypertension.

Hypertension or high blood pressure can cause a heart attack, stroke and as well as other cardiovascular illnesses. It is important to note that, compared to having high cholesterol or smoking, the relative risk of developing heart disease due to hypertension is higher for middle-aged and older adults.  

In general, changes in lifestyle, such as regular exercising, is the first steps for preventing the development of high blood pressure. Patients suffering from hypertension can reduce blood pressure by performing land-based cardiovascular or aerobic exercises like walking, jogging. What about aquatic exercises?

Can swimming help to reduce blood pressure as well?

In general, swimming has many benefits for individuals and according to the research, patients with high blood pressure can experience the benefits of regular swimming which is very effective in reducing blood pressure. Please note that, in order to achieve reducing hypertension, patients need to regularly take swimming or aqua therapy sessions with intensity and a frequency (three times a week). This can be performed by most adults.

If you have high blood pressure, you can see a significant reduction in hypertension after a fairly short time (2-3 months) after you start the swimming program.  

Like jogging and cycling exercises, swimming also reduces the same amount of blood pressure. You can achieve blood pressure reduction even one single swimming exercise. The main factor in repeated workouts in the pool that helps to reduce high blood pressure is the water exercises that can reduce hardening or stiffening of the blood vessels. Please note that the latter is the main factor that causes an increase in blood pressure with increasing age.

Since swimming and other forms of aquatic exercises are low impacts and enjoyable, older adults can particularly benefit from it and can continue the training for a lifetime. Therefore, aqua therapy or exercising in water can be recommended for preventing and lowering high blood pressure.  

Another research, which took place at Texas A&M University demonstrated pretty amazing results. The study took a look at a lot of aspects in aquatic therapy exercises and its effects on adults with high blood pressure. Scientists wanted to know how aqua therapy affects changes in blood pressure.

The results of the research showed that water exercises had significant impact reducing resting diastolic blood pressure, exercise systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, and pulse pressure during exercise and recovery.

Hydroactive Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Center is Vaughan’s newest and most advanced aquatic therapy, injury and motor vehicle accident recovery facility.  Contact us today and get your free consultation from our experts for recommended therapy sessions according to your needs.

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